Fame Girls – Sandra Model (sets 01-300)


3 Responses to “Fame Girls – Sandra Model (sets 01-300)”

  1. blueberry says:

    Are you sure these are Fame Girls sets? I’ve only downloaded sets 151-300 so far, but the pics are flashed Sandra-mod.com and ff-models.com, which on other NN forums are regarded as part of the Sandra Teen Model series. (I’m missing about 80 sets in the 201-300 Sandra Teen Model series, so I’m delighted to see these, whatever the studio!) I also have sets 001-187 of Sandra (Fame Girls), whose pics are flashed fame-girls.com, and which (for those I’ve checked) are different from your sets.

  2. micaela says:

    @blueberry – FF Models, Sandra-MOD and Sandra Teen Model are previous sites from Sandra. Post title is wrong, as it’s not Fame Girls sets.

  3. brick says:

    more importantly, are they clear and GOOD?